Dear Friends,
Thank you for your interest in supporting Brighton Shule. We are so excited that we are able to congregate in Shule again this year, but to continue our many services and offerings to the community we need your help.
Brighton Shule has become one of the most active congregations in Melbourne, in spite of our relatively small size. In addition to regular davening, we offer a wide array of social and educational opportunities including book clubs, kids and teen events, young adult social outings, Friday night dinners, whiskey tastings, cooking classes, shiurim, guest speakers, and more.
Over the last three years we conducted our Kol Nidrei Appeal online and you were very generous. We once again look to your strong support at this time of the year. The link below provides you with a convenient way to donate to our Kol Nidrei Appeal.
Wishing you good Yom Tov and a healthy and safe year.
Please follow this link to our Kol Nidrei appeal or click on the heart -->
Shofar 2021
Shofar 2021

Kol Nidrei Appeal 2023

Day 29 - Torah Insights